Pool Renovations Melbourne

Local Pool Renovations - Melbourne

Local Pool Renovations

Melbourne's Leading Pool Renovators

Tiling - Painting - Resurfacing

Call 0407 666 999

Melbourne's Guide to Pool Leak Detection and Repair

Local Pool Renovations, based in Melbourne, specializes in professional resurfacing, including swimming pool painting, tiling, and interior resurfacing, rather than leak detection services. The information provided aims to guide you towards achieving optimal results when renovating your pool. It's advised to test your pool for leaks before starting any renovation work if you suspect a leak, ensuring the integrity of your swimming pool’s structure and functionality.

able-leak-detection-logo Leaking Swimming Pool

Able Lead Detection is the company we trust above all others for swimming pool leak detection.

Phone: 03 9708 6700 
Mobile: 0419 424 855

Be prepared for your leak detection specialist!

  • Ensure your pool is filled with water.
  • The pool should be clean and free of debris.
  • Water needs to be clear.

Schedule an appointment with the leak detection team and request a written leak report. If a leak is found, arrange for the necessary repairs to address the leaking area. After repairs are completed, your pool will be ready for renovation.

Leaking Swimming Pools: The Primary Concern for Pool Owners

Leaking swimming pools are a major concern, often leading to repairs and renovations initiated by leak inquiries. This issue is particularly troubling for pool owners due to the increased maintenance costs associated with higher water usage, which is reflected in the water bill.

For a preliminary self-conducted leak test before engaging a professional, consider these guidelines. Focus on inspecting common leak locations in your pool, prioritized from most to least frequent:

  1. Hydro-static Valve
  2. Pool Equipment System
  3. Skimmer Box Area
  4. Pool Returns (Between pipes & concrete)
  5. Solar Heating System
  6. Pool Shell (Cracks and joints)
  7. Behind Pool Lights

This approach helps you identify potential issues early and effectively.